Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Holiday Snaps

Most of us take photos on our annual holidays, even if we never dust off the camera from one end of the year to the other. Whether it's the family vacation or a sight seeing trip to somewhere new. We charge the batteries and make sure we have the memory card installed.  We get to our destination and we snap away. Especially with digital cameras we can click away to our hearts content.

So what do we do with our images when we come home?

In the good old days we'd hot foot it down to the local chemist or mini lab and hand in our roll of film and few days later we'd have a lovely wallet of photos to show our friends and family.

But now in this great digital age, most of us upload them to the computer and oooh and aaah for a little while.....and that's it!

Very few people actually have their images printed. There are other ways however of displaying our holiday photos. There are some great free software programmes available that allow us to make lovely slide shows which can be burned on to a disk to play on our home DVD player. This has the double advantage of being able to share our masterpieces AND it also provides a back up mechanism for storing our images safely. Computers are not the safest places to preserve them. Hard disks die (even external ones) so I guess what I'm saying is do something with your photographs rather than just clogging up your PC with them. Share them....

Check out http://picasa.google.com
Til next time, thanks for reading and happy snapping.

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